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Provedor de dados:  Organic Eprints
País:  Germany
Título:  Assessment of diseases susceptibility of peach cultivars in experimental plots and on-farm for organic and low-input systems. Baseline of French case studies
Autores:  Parveaud, Claude-Eric
Brenner , Johanna
Ondet, Sophie-Joy
Gomez, Christelle
Libourel, Gilles
Warlop, François
Brun, Laurent
Mercier, Vincent
Clauzel, Guy
Audergon, Jean-Marc
Data:  2015-06-11
Ano:  2015
Palavras-chave:  Fruit and berries Breeding
Genetics and propagation Crop health
Resumo:  Despite a high turn-over of new peach cultivars, their suitability for organic and low-input systems remains unknown for most of them. Diseases susceptibility is an important criteria to consider since diseases control is a bottleneck to peach production in theses systems. Since 2001, 81 peach cultivars were assessed in 2 experimental sites and 7 on-farm plots.
Tipo:  Conference paper, poster, etc.

Parveaud, Claude-Eric; Brenner , Johanna; Ondet, Sophie-Joy; Gomez, Christelle; Libourel, Gilles; Warlop, François; Brun, Laurent; Mercier, Vincent; Clauzel, Guy and Audergon, Jean-Marc (2015) Assessment of diseases susceptibility of peach cultivars in experimental plots and on-farm for organic and low-input systems. Baseline of French case studies. [Evaluation variétale de la sensibilité aux maladies du pêcher en parcelle expérimentale et chez des producteurs pour des systèmes biologiques et faibles intrants.] Poster at: INNOHORT ISHS International Symposium, Avignon, France, 8-12 June 2015.
Formato:  application/pdf

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